Home Care Instructions

   After Cosmetic Reconstruction

Cosmetic reconstruction tends to be in the anterior area of the mouth such as doing veneers or cosmetic crowns to brighten one smile.   It is normal that you may feel sensitivity to hot or cold because the tooth structure is prepared to accommodate a new cosmetic crown.  Mild pain medication such as TYLENOL or MOTRIN every 6-8 hours should help to lessen the sensitivity issue.  The teeth require some time to heal after removal of tooth structure and will be sensitive in the interim.   Your gums may also be sore for a few days.  Don’t be concerned if your speech is affected for the first few days.  You’ll quickly adapt and be speaking normally.  You may notice increased salivation.  This is because your brain is responding to the new size and shape of your teeth.  This should subside to normal in about a week.

   After Crown and Bridge 

Dental crown and bridge appointment requires two visits.  After the first visit, the area will feel numb due to the anesthesia being used.  It is recommended that you are careful when biting down because you can bite on your own lip and tongue without knowing it.  The temporary crown or bridge is placed after the first visit.  The cement to hold the crown or bridge to your tooth is temporary.  It is recommended that you do not eat sticky food.

Do not floss at the area and be careful when you brush the area because it can cause the temporary crown or bridge to come off.   The gum tissue around the prepared teeth may feel sensitive for a few days which is    normal.  You can take some IBUPROFEN (MOTRIN or ADVIL: 1-2 tablets every 6 hours) to relieve the sensitivity discomfort.  

   After Tooth Extraction

For the first 24 hours, it is important to have a blood clot around the extraction site by biting down on a gauze pad firmly for 10 minutes.  You may have to do this for 3 – 4 times.   Do not spit, rinse your mouth or brush at the extraction site for 24 hours.  Do not smoke for 72 hours because tobacco prevents the area to heal and eat soft food for 24 hours.  Limit your self to calm activities and follow the doctor instruction regarding take pain medications or  antibiotics.  If there is swelling at the extraction area, place an ice bag over the area for 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off.  To further reduce swelling, rinse your mouth with warm water and teaspoon of salt per glass.

   After Tooth Whitening Treatment 

Your teeth and gum may feel a tingling sensation which is normal.  This sensitivity feeling is due to the  whitening hydrogen peroxide gel applying on your teeth and it may last a few days.   You may need to apply to desensitize gel in the area or take some mild analgesic pain medications (MOTRIN or TYLENOL).  If the sensitivity is severe, call the office for additional instruction.   

 If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to email or contact our doctor on the phone   number is: (703) 595 – 2345.

    5288 Dawes Ave                                            Alexandria, VA 22311   

    (703) 595 – 2345 (English)                            (571) 535 – 9806 (Espanol)



     Monday – Friday:  9:00 am – 5:00 pm             Saturday:  9:00 am – 2:00 pm