Patients resources

 This is a great patients resources regarding dental issues & education knowledge about unhealthy   teeth.  Below are explanations of some dental issues to help you understand what happens when   your teeth are not healthy.       

Dental Issues

1. Bad Breath

It is also known as Halitosis.  It is caused by food particles attached to the tooth surface to form plaques where the bacteria population in your mouth will grow.  As this bacteria grows, it causes gum inflammation and produces a foul odor.  In order to prevent bad breath, it is recommended to follow good oral hygiene which involves regular flossing and brushing.  Also, it is recommended to see your dentist on a regular basis in order to maintain healthy teeth and gum.  Once the plaques are buildup in your teeth, they are very difficult to remove without using a special instrument, cavitron scaler, at a dental office.

2. Cavities

It is a hole or a defect on the tooth surface.  It is caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce acid to destroy the tooth surface.   If the cavity is not fixed, then it will get bigger and can cause infection.  The best way to prevent cavity is to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for a regular checkup.

3. Dry Mouth

It is a condition where the saliva flow is reduced.   It is typically due to medication that you are taken.  Saliva in your mouth helps to wash away food particles as you are chewing your food.   As the saliva flow is reduced, more food particles stick to your tooth surfaces and leading to more cavities and gum inflammation.  In order to prevent dry mouth, there is a dry mouth rinse over the counter that helps to increase the saliva flow.    

4. Gum Disease

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease.  Symptoms of periodontal disease include swollen gum, bone loss, teeth mobility.  Without any intervention to control periodontal disease, you will lose your teeth and it will be difficult to eat and talk properly.  The treatment for periodontal disease is by scaling and deep cleaning.  If this procedure has not improved the condition then it is recommended for surgery procedure with the  periodontist.

5. TMJ

It is an acronym for temporomandibular joint.   It is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the bone of the head.  It is stabilized by the muscles that help the jaw to open and close your mouth.  Symptoms of TMJ disorder include pains on the face, ear, jaw, painful clicking sound of the jaw, difficulty of opening and closing the mouth.  If the symptoms of TMJ is not severe then it can be treated with a night guard to relax the muscles surrounding the joint.   With the severe issue of TMJ, a specialist visit may be required.

6. Tooth Sensitivity

The enamel is the outside surface of a tooth and it protects the tooth from sensitivity to hot or cold.  If this enamel is worn off you will feel sensitivity.  The cause for enamel worn off is by abrasive toothbrush techniques or grinding your teeth.  In order to prevent sensitivity, it is recommended to use soft bristle toothbrush, place a composite bonding material on the worn enamel to protect the tooth, and wear a night guard.  

7. Smoking

Smoking reduces the blood circulation in your mouth and lessens your body immune defense.  Smokers tend to have more plaques buildup which is the breeding ground for bad bacteria in the mouth.  These bacteria will cause gum inflammation and lead to gum disease.   The toxins from cigarette and chewing tobacco can lead to yellow  staining teeth, gum recession, gum disease, tooth loss, and mouth cancer.

8. Poor Dental Hygiene

You will notice that you have poor dental hygiene when you have symptoms of bleeding gums, calculus buildup on your teeth surface, bad breath, loose teeth.  In order to prevent poor dental hygiene, it is important to practice good oral hygiene such as flossing and brushing.   Also, it is important to have a regular dental checkup to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

 If you’re confused about your dental health, then don’t be shy to talk to our dentist about any   topics that you don’t understand.   Asking questions is the only way to learn how to care for your   oral health.  We would love to hear your questions and provide you with easy to understand   answers.  Give us a call at (703) 595 – 2345 or contact us online here.

    5288 Dawes Ave                                            Alexandria, VA 22311   

    (703) 595 – 2345 (English)                            (571) 535 – 9806 (Espanol)

     Monday – Friday:  9:00 am – 5:00 pm             Saturday:  9:00 am – 2:00 pm